Favorite Back to Homeschool Gifts

Back to Homeschool is a big deal around here as the first day of homeschool is a signal for all of us to begin settling back into routine. The first couple weeks can be a little rocky so we try to keep things light and flexible as we find our new rhythm for the year.

If you can’t tell gift giving and a big surprise presentation is part of my love language! I love to set out all our new books and curriculums and top it with a little something fun to make the day extra special. I have everything ready for the kids when they wake up and then we enjoy a yummy breakfast (with our traditional apple plates) before jumping into our school work.

I know many of you have similar traditions in your home so I hope this post sparks some inspiration for you! Keep in mind we are able to get all of school materials and educational gifts reimbursed through our homeschool funding program.



This was such a fun year! I did cute mini back to school baskets for each of the kids and decorated them with the cutest school themed ribbon. The highlight this year was new mini Yoto players. We started with 2, but within a few weeks we ended up buying 2 more because we loved them so much. When you click the mini Yoto player link it’ll generate a 10% off code so be sure to write it down!


The big gift this year was Osmos! This is something my kids have all enjoyed. My older girls have outgrown them now, but my two younger sons still love to use them. I like to pull them out when I need to work one-on-one with one child, but still want to have something educational going on for my other kids. I also use them as part as rotating stations. This year we also did a few basic supplies and books.


Since we pulled our kids out of public school mid-year this was out first official first day of homeschool. I remember having such mixed emotions about the day because our first day of school traditions looked different than year’s past, but it ended up being such a fun year. Those first few weeks we studied the Ocean and as our first big unit study - it’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Since we were just starting our homeschool journey I bought lots of fun books for our school room and then gifted the kids some basic school supplies (if you’re looking for arts & craft supplies I have a great supply linked here) and games. Not everything pictured is available anymore, but I’ll link what is.

And, that’s it! I hope this sparks some ideas for you guys! Besides some of our favorite art supplies, if my kids had to pick one favorite I know they would say their Yotos. This year we have a pretty good idea of what we’ll be gifting the kids, but we’re still in the shopping phase…I’m sure I’ll let you know all about it soon! I have lots of great Back to Homeschool posts if you need more details and more inspiration so be sure to check them out below.


Back to Homeschool 2024


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